An original World War One Territorial Force War Medal, with original ribbon. Slight verdigris beginning to appear on the sides of the medal, as these are prone to. Craven Wilkinson arrived in France on 24 May 1916, as a Gunner with the Royal Artillery. A London Gazette entry dated 29 July 1918 records his promotion…
An original Victory Medal, short length of replacement ribbon, issued to the unusually named Morris Birmingham, lightly impressed as follows; 4911 PTE. M. BIRMINGHAM. NORTH D FUS. Private Birmingham was entitled to a 15 Star trio having arrived in France on 3 August 1915. He was also entitled to a Silver War Badge. A couple…
An original Victory Medal, length of original ribbon. Correctly named to; 15356 PTE. G. H. CADDICK. S. STAFF. R. George Caddick was entitled to a 15 Star trio, having arrived in France in 24 August 1915.
An original Victory Medal, length of original ribbon. Correctly named to; 58705 PTE. J. E. FAUNT. W. YORK. R. James Faunt was entitled to a pair, as confirmed on the MIC. Complete with his demob paperwork.
An original Victory Medal, short length of replacement ribbon, correctly named to; 44989 PTE. J. HAWKINS. YORK. R. John Hawkins was entitled to a pair as confirmed on the MIC. He also served with the Manchester Regiment (50833) and the Army Ordnance Corps (048070).
An original Victory Medal, length of original ribbon, correctly named to; 12760 PTE. V. A. HEARN. HAMPS. R. Victor Hearn s entitlement to a pair is confirmed on the MIC. It is also noted on the Pension Record card that he died on 25 May 1919.
A World War One Victory Medal with length of original ribbon. Named to; 10 2997 PTE. R. R. LEVY. N. Z. E. F. I believe this is Ralph Roland Levy who hailed from Wellington. He served with the Wellington Infantry Battalion.
An original Victory Medal, length of replacement ribbon. Has lugs on the reverse where it has previously been brooched. Correctly named to; 315939 PTE W. E. LLOYD. CHES. R. William Lloyd was entitled to a pair and also served with the South Wales Borderers (s n 82626). Copy paperwork included showing that William was taken…
An original Victory Medal, length of replacement ribbon, correctly named to; 5-4248 PTE. F. MARIE. K. R. RIF. C. Frederick Marie was entitled to a 15 Star trio having arrived in France on 23 November 1914. Soldier s Died confirms he was killed in action on 24 December 1914, whilst serving with the 1st Battalion….
An original Victory Medal, length of replacement ribbon. The barrel for the suspension ring has been replaceed at some point, priced accordingly. Correctly named to; G-72579 PTE. W. C. MORRIS. THE QUEEN S R. William Morris was entitled to a pair, as confirmed on the MIC.