An original US WW2 era Navy dress tunic. The coat is in excellent condition, no moth nips, rips or tears. Cuffs are in good condition, as these are often frayed. All buttons are present, but one requires securing. Tunic is furnished with Lieutenant Junior braid on the sleeves, with bullion made star. Label is present, stating CKB,…
An original US WW2 or later Navy undress tunic. This is the traditional undress uniform of the US Navy, it s origins dating back some 150 years. Similar to the Dress Blues, but simpler construction for work duties, no white piping for example. Named inside the bottom to P N Kaufmann D19 46 43. Small…
An original US WW2 era Officer s Four Pocket dress tunic. An interesting piece, has some wear and tear around the armpits inside, probably a result of it s unusual use… The label in the pocket shows the tunic tailored by The Horstmann Uniform Company of Philadelphia and has a date of 10 September 1936. …
An original and rare B-14 Flight Jacket.  Technically a flight jacket but rarely used as such, being standardised for Enlisted Men in early 1944. It was worn exclusively by men of the Army Air Force. Cut in a similar style to the later Ike Jacket, the B-14 is made from a smooth wool and finished in…
An original British Battledress tunic, 1940 pattern. This is the austerity pattern that did away with the extra material used to make the fly front as well as removing pleats on the pockets. The Americans entered the war wearing the M-1941 jacket. This jacket was quite unpopular, it was difficult to clean, not very hard wearing…
An original American, Vietnam War era Enlisted uniform grouping. Comprises Class A dress tunic, dress trousers and garrison cap. Good condition all round, no noticeable mothing, no rips or tears.  Tunic The label states the size to be 37R, Contract No. to be DA 36-030-QM-6520 and dating to 15 November 1955. Tunic is furnished with; 1….
An original World War I medal, boxed, as awarded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to it s National Guardsmen who served in the Mexican Border Conflict and the Great War.
An original World War One Victory Medal, American variant with three clasps; Somme Offensive, Meuse-Argonne and Defensive Sector. This combination was only awarded to the 33rd Infantry Division.Â
An extensive medal and paperwork grouping to an air gunner who served with the 453rd Bomb Group at Old Buckenham, part of the US 8th Air Force. The grouping is attributed to Dale W. Buschman (35552188). Comprises; 1. Two Air Medals, both un-named, *slot brooch denoting World War Two manufacture, with one original wooden built…